Deserved award, to Frank and Karla Galindo, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., creators and curators of the St. Eligius Numismatists Brotherhood and admirers of Verona.
On the occasion of the 64th Coin and Banknote Conference, held by the Texas Numismatic Association last June, the president of the ANA - American Numismatic Association, dr. Ralph Ross, presented a presidential award to Frank and Karla Galindo, founders, in 1995, of the St. Eligius Numismatists Brotherhood, based in San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. This, also because Frank and Karla, partners, for about fifty years of the aforementioned ANA, "with their activity, have intertwined and intertwine, through the passion for numismatics, numerous relationships and friendships in the world". Karla, a retired teacher, administrator, and consultant, has constantly and wisely introduced numismatics into history, politics and school, never forgetting that numismatics is high culture. As a passionate industry leader, Ms. Karla has organized numerous numismatic and historical conventions for years, involving the Gateway Coin Club, San Antonio, and the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington. Frank Galindo, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, has been a cartoon designer since 1980, and official officer of the Texas Numismatic Association, Dallas, since 1987. He has dedicated and dedicates much of his time to bringing young people closer to numismatics, which, we add, is not only a collection of metal pieces, but also the basis of great culture. as mentioned above. In 1995, we said, he founded the St. Eligius Numismatists Brotherhood, U.S.A., and now carefully cares for it as a "great Knight and Chancellor," aiming to further raise awareness of the Brotherhood outside the U.S. borders. President Ralpf Ross: Every year, the active couple – Frank and Karla, as Ambassadors of Numismatics, officially recognized, since 1983 – organizes the National Coin Week - National Coin Week, incisively spreading collecting and numismatic study, in schools. Their positive work is everywhere recognized. I am pleased to present this award to a couple of very active operators in the field of the numismatic world". But, what we particularly like today – without detracting from the passion for the world of money – is that the Galindo spouses are constantly waiting for news from Verona, on its history, on its natural and artistic beauty – which, of course, we cultivate, as much as possible – with close, continuous contacts, which create satisfaction, in both parties. Everything, not neglecting the fact that, as numismatists – Verona had its first coin, already, in the early twenties of the year 900 – we enjoy the patronage of the French St. Eligius (588-660), who, in addition to having "minted" money, was of bishop of Noyon, France. And to Sant'Eligio, in fact, is dedicated the U.S. Confraternity - Brotherhood of San Antonio, Texas. For more information, on Sant'Eligio and the Confraternity, here, on the subject, we invite you to read also the essay "Sant'Eligio (588-660), artisan-goldsmith, coin coiner and bishop", on Adige TV, Verona, 21 January 2022. In the photo, from left: Frank and Karla Galindo - dr. Ralph Ross.
Pierantonio Braggio
